
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
The Prophetic Alliance of the Mayan and Druidic Calendars
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Our lives are lived by a calendar that considers only the solar year and the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. By living in this way and ignoring other important calendrical cycles are we reducing our awareness of the cosmos and narrowing our understanding of wider influences that affect us and the planet? In a comprehensive and well researched lecture Mark discusses the calendars of the Mayan and Druidic cultures and describes the significance of 13 moon calendars, the 3 year lunar cycle (37 lunations), the 5 year cycle, the 8 year cycle (99 lunations), the 19 year cycle (used by the ancient Greeks) and the procession of the equinoxes.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Angel Helpers
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
The universe is constantly evolving and in a state perpetual transition and progression. Humanity is intrinsically linked to this universal evolution and is linked to a hierarchy of beings that exist in non physical form such as Angels, Spirits and Deva's. These beings are working with humanity to help us to expand our awareness to a higher state of consciousness. Our task is to recognise that we are physical, mental and astral beings that exist not in isolation but as part of an unfolding universal blueprint that is creation.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Astrology and Self Understanding
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
A marvellous introduction to the subject of Astrology, its role, uses and meaning today's world. Science came out of Astrology, but where Astrology itself originate? Zach describes how Astrology is imbedded in pre and Christian culture and how it relates to our soul, ego and fate. He then talks about the role of the planets and the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
The Wessex Research Group Archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
The Celtic Tradition of Myth and Magic
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Prior to the written word dominating our conscious and intellectual thinking, the Celts combined sound with an oral tradition that was in keeping with their intuitive and (by modern standards) extra sensory and deep perceptive awareness of the oneness of everything. Marion provides a marvellous description of Celtic society and how the beliefs of the Celts often contrasted with those of the Romans.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational tool.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Understanding the Living World
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
The variety of mineral, organic and radioactive substances dumped into the global ecosystem through anthropogenic activity is immense. Alan gives an outline of the scale of the problem before describing sustainable approaches using plants to cleansing water and rebuilding aquatic habitats. He then discusses the impact of electro magnetic radiation on trees and methods for the alleviation of this source of stress upon them.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational tool.

Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Genesis Unveiled. The Lost Wisdom of our Forgotten Ancestors
Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Ian presents his findings from the research he has undertaken re-evaluating the content and meaning ancient texts and traditions from across the world and in particular the pre-flood traditions. One common theme that emerges from looking at the ancient wisdom traditions is the idea that everything is created from a divine source and that everything is energy. Whatever their background, ancient peoples had a spiritual world view, a universal understanding of the cosmos that included the ideas of cycles of time, life and perpetual change or progression. Ian then talks about the descent in to matter and the challenges in anchoring the spiritual world view in to the physical plane. What then can we learn from the events of the past in respect of the present time of transition?
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool.

Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Spiritual Awakening in our Time
Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Sir George describes how we are in the midst of a spiritual awakening. This presents the opportunity for us as individuals and the totality of humanity, to take a quantum leap in consciousness. It is the great event of our age and the challenge for us all is to connect without higher selves and place love and service to others at the centre of our thinking. A wonderful lecture that presents many interesting ideas, not least the idea that we are spiritual beings and as such are "immortal droplets of God"
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool.

Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Yoga as a Way of Life. Wholeness through Yoga and Exercise
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
We can live for weeks without food, for days without water but how long without breathing? The way we breathe can influence our health but how much attention do we pay to this fundamental process? Yoga reminds us of what we really are, complex beings outwardly anchored in physicality, yet with also an inner, spiritual side.
Pauline, a yoga teacher for many years describes how Yoga has been part of her life time journey of spiritual unfoldment. As a teacher she began to see how she could work with her intuition through Yoga to help and empower others. She then talks in more detail about the seven main aspects of Yoga from the idea of physical exercise, to consider the affects on the body's energy centres as well as the inner aspects of consciousness. A marvellous talk that also includes some simple exercises.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool.

Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Spiritual Man and the End of an Age
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
In this lecture Peter examines the relationship between the cult, religion and the dynamic (the energy of transformation). He starts by defining each and then explores the characteristics of the relationship, how ideas form and come to manifest as cult, religious order and new age thinking.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool.

Saturday Nov 23, 2019
The Confluence of Science and Religion
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
The renaissance was a time when humanity was infused with ideas. Great scientists who were also great esoteric adventurers, philosophers or artists came to the fore. David starts what is a fascinating talk by taking us back even further in time to Pythagoras; possibly the first great mystic and scientist. He then discusses the nature of science and religion in terms of human thinking. How did the two streams diverge? Is it a leap in human thinking that is needed to facilitate a confluence of the two? We need both science and religion (spirituality) for together they make a whole. What then prevents us from embracing this idea?
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal tool.