
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Conversations with Pan
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Rock Ogilvie Crombie was a unique individual who lived his life able to communicate with the elemental kingdoms associated with Nature. Conversations with Pan is an account of his meetings with Pan and provide a wonderful insight into the relationship between the worlds of man and nature.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Cycles of Catastrophe, Atlantis and the Secret Story of our Planet
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Nigel talks about his research; a journey that led him to examine Atlantis, Gnosticism, the Grail, Shambala, the spiritual significance of UFO's ancient wisdom traditions, the Maya, ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. He describes the demise of the Atlantean civilisation and introduces the idea that there is a secret story to our planet; one that is cyclical.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Gematria. The Numbers of Infinity
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Is the Hebrew alphabet is more than just a collection of letters, but rather a set of codes used to imprint a cosmic message in the Old Testament? Could this encoded information manifest itself in the design of sacred structures like the Tabernacle and medieval European churches and cathedrals? If so have we lost information that relates matter to inter dimensional energy flow?
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Colour Crystals and Sound
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Lin begins the talk by describing her life's journey and how she came to be working with crystals, colour and sound as mechanisms for healing. She then talks about how she works with energy, how the emotional state can affect the physical state and how and why the techniques work. As we fully enter the Aquarian age the importance of each (crystals, colour and sound) will become even more apparent as we realise that everything is energy and that everything (including our selves) resonates.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Earth Temples
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Stanley begins by defining the word “Temple” and its relationship with time, space and place and how it then becomes a place enabling experience. Anything (our bodies, thoughts, the Earth, places) can act as a temple but in this talk Stanley concentrates on our relationship with the Earth and the role of the chakras within the idea of experiencing an earthly life and how they link us to the Earth in a 7 fold structural form and how this enables us to build a deeper understanding of the living world.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
The 12 Cosmic Laws
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
We are cosmic beings who have chosen to incarnate in to physical form here on planet Earth. In doing so we are governed by the natural laws of birth, growth and death, but it is the 12 Cosmic laws that govern the structure for spirit behaviour on a physical plane. Through understanding and working with them we can make decisions on how best to live and work energetically and in harmony with the cosmos, so speeding up the process of personal growth and spiritual evolution.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
The Marriage of Heaven and Earth
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Stanley examines the Cathar assumption that the world was created by the devil and that the transformation of matter in to spirit is fundamental to Christianity. "To align oneself with the second coming one must find the balance by which desire is transformed in to love with the Christ working through the heart rather than the head. This represents the next stage in the evolution of the earth".
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
UFOs Man's Cosmic Test
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
A well researched lecture suggesting that since 1947 levels of UFO activity around planet Earth has become more frequent. Why are Extra Terrestrials observing human activity with an increased level of interest? What are the spiritual and philosophical significance of the messages that we have already received and continue to be sent in the context of religious belief, the raising of the planetary vibration and the second coming of the Christ consciousness? During the course of this informative and exciting lecture many of the messages given to us by extra terrestrials are once again conveyed, raising more questions about the destiny of mankind.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Life After Death
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
It is only in recent Western European society that the existence of non-existence after death is considered. The concept of life after death and reincarnation is taken for granted by every other society. Harry gives an excellent lecture in which he presents analytical evidence for the continuation of life after death, a description of what happens after death and discusses the possibility that life after death is a life of the mind without the body and not subject to the physical nature of time. The totality of experience relates to the larger soul self and not the individuality expressed through a particular brain in any one lifetime spent physical form. The relationship between the soul and brain is also discussed.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational resource.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
The Holistic Philosophy of Nature
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Glen by background is an atomic physicist and biologist. His work in these fields has led him to believe that mankind's view of evolution and nature is largely deterministic and mechanistic. During the first part of this marvellous lecture he outlines the flaws associated with this perspective, and argues that the creation and evolution of the universe could not have occurred by chance alone, but are guided by a higher universal intelligence. If evolution is a process of unfoldment, how does it relate to man's existence given that the way the planet is currently viewed and managed. Our current approach of trying to control nature is bringing the scenario of catastrophe to our paradigm as we gradually denature our environment. Earth is the human beings only home and we must alter our thinking and work as one with our home if it and us, are going to survive.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely available as a personal educational tool.