Friday Nov 24, 2023
Healing With What We Already Have
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
This talk offers an interesting perspective on the nature of illness and how we can use what we have to stay healthy. It considers the role of masculine and feminine energies in healing; our bodies’ connection to the Earth and the need to allow energy to flow, avoiding the repression of emotions, thoughts and experiences.
“Dis-ease” manifests from imbalance, when a person has somehow deviated from their true essence. The key to staying healthy is to know, be true to oneself and live out one’s truth radiating out our energy to help others.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
The Universal Universe
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
We are each the sum of our experiences. In this talk Michael tells of his experiences with discarnate beings and spirit guides and how these led him to the realisation that the universe is multi-dimensional.
He presents a description of how the spiritual aspect of the universe works and also discusses how religion, dogma and our own thinking can blinker our understanding and growth if we allow it.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.
Monday Sep 04, 2023
The Myth and Magic of Ancient Egypt
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Ancient Egyptian civilisation contained a varied set of belief systems for rooted in Atlantis it lasted over 3,000 years beyond the Atlantean age.
This talk discusses the origins of the four main cosmogonies of ancient Egypt and how they emerged from different centres including Heliopolis, Thebes, Memphis and Luxor. Special attention is given to Heliopolitan cosmogony and the role of Osiris, Isis and associated gods and their relevance of their existence for us in modern times.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
King Arthur, the Round Table and Camelot. Fact and Fiction
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Historical fact, mythology, culture, politics and tradition all contribute to the idea of a King Arthur, a Round Table and a place called Camelot. This talk unpicks the historical fact from the fiction.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thought Dynamics Part 2. Evolving from Thought to Awareness
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
The natural state of the human being is to be relaxed and warm hearted. For many people the natural state is not the normal state. This talk is useful for those looking to manage the energy underpinning their thoughts and who may also be sensitive to the energy of others.
The narrative presents a method for grounding oneself through the breathe that can be applied anywhere and discusses why we should be interested in this subject.
The cessation of thought leads to awareness. Once we are aware we can manage our thoughts and emotions, become aware of the effects of the energy of others and place ourselves in a natural state.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Spirit Release
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Earth bound spirits can remain in the earthly plane for a variety of reasons attached to people, places, or objects. They may have become confused through an event such as a sudden death and so exist in the eternal now. Jane talks of her experiences and approach to releasing spirits through communicating with them to find out what issues hold them to an earthly plane. Spirits it seems like people can often become stuck!
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Thought Dynamics Part 1. Thought and Energy
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
This talk describes how thought is linked to energy and how thought underpins creation and creative thinking. By improving the vibration of our thoughts we can create a more evolved and stable world, and an evolved humanity.
Our thoughts not only generate energetic signatures that can affect the atmosphere of buildings and other places as well as the energies of sensitive people, but everything that is created and manifested in to physical form also begins with a thought or idea, suggesting that thought underpins intelligence.
“What we think from the heart we indeed are”.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.
Tuesday May 09, 2023
The Way to Enlightenment
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Is true enlightenment achievable without letting go of religious and political dogma and the intellectual clutter that we gather, when we think about how we should behave and what we should believe? If we cannot let these go of these constructs are we merely creating a state of phoney enlightenment.
The true way to enlightenment is preceded by allowing ourselves to become illuminated; illumined beings in tune with the Logos the universal energy underpinning truth. Every creature is illumined but humanity also has the capacity to live in an enlightened state.
What it means to live in an illuminated state and how through love it can lead to enlightenment are discussed in this talk.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
An introduction to the components and characteristics of the Aura; the field of energy radiating outwards from a human body. Ivor describes how the human aura is multilayered with the energies of the physical, pranic, astral and spiritual bodies; each overlapping and inter-mingling.
He also discusses the characteristics of the colours (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) associated with mental activity (instinctive mind, intellectual mind and spiritual mind) and how these colours can indicate how people are feeling as well as their state of health.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Living in the Precious Moment
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Living in the “now” or “precious moment” can not only nourish us, but help to shape a positive outlook, enhancing the idea of universal connection, peace and fulfilment.
This talk discusses how living in the now requires a commitment to embarking on a journey of self discovery. Along the way we may have to let go of beliefs and convictions that can hold us back; not expect to much of ourselves and avoid allowing the past or ideas of the future to limit our development.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational resource.