Tuesday May 30, 2017
Karma and Relationships
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
We incarnate on this planet in a physical form to educate the soul mainly through the experience of interaction with others. Judy describes different facets of Karma (soul groups, soul mates, twin souls and the eternal triangle) and how these impact upon our life time journey. As we pass in to the Aquarian age we must clear that karma that is associated with the last 2000 years and so perpetuate our soul evolution with the emphasis being on love, growth and development.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org
Tuesday May 30, 2017
A Laymans Guide to Spirituality
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Religion, Science and Spirituality present three very different perspectives on the idea of existence. Barry begins by defining and discussing the differences between religion, science and spirituality, the first two (science and religion) each presenting fixed views whilst the idea that we might be spiritual beings remains fluid, unempirical but possibly known of from within. He then talks in more detail about humanity as a spiritual entity.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org
Friday Apr 07, 2017
The Meaning of Inner Work
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
A marvellous talk that starts by defining the meaning of Inner Work as a lifetime progression of inner self development and growth. Patricia then elaborates on the three aspects of the Inner Self and the dynamic relationships between it, the Outer Self and the Greater Self. How do we come to realise the Inner Self given that we play many roles during the course of a lifetime?
We cannot do great things, just small things but with great Love - Mother Teresa
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Male and Female Energies
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
Gordon describes aspects of masculinity and femininity and how each of us can benefit from understanding and appreciating the dynamics of the inter-relationships between male and female energies. He considers these interactions in terms of the past, the present and the future.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
The Weaving of Geometry, Evolution and the Human Story
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
In this detailed lecture, Heather Paton begins by relating how through studying physical form in art she began to see it as energy patterns in space and time; a journey that led her to the work of Rudolf Steiner who through clairvoyant experience had described in detail the evolution of the Earth as a process of the densification of energy in to matter. Heather describes how this process has shaped the evolution of humanity from a time before the earth was a physical form through to its future predicted state.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
From Pisces to Aquarius
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Raising the Planetary Vibration
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Wesley Tudor Pole presents us with the idea that a new ray of blended energy; one that combines cosmic wisdom and love has come to the Earth. This ray of energy provides humanity with an opportunity to move forward and upwards, reassessing our attitudes to the way in which we treat the Earth and all life upon it.
The speaker then goes on to talk about how a person might raise ones vibration through meditation, creative imagination and positive thinking and how this can counter negativity. Raising one’s vibration requires one to look inwards and consider one’s relationship with the universe. It requires self-mastery, discipline and a belief that you are an indestructible being of light; ready to act of compassion and service to improve the planetary vibration through realigning with the elemental and spiritual kingdoms.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Working with the Invisible Guides of Humanity. The Masters Beyond Error and Illusion
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
At the beginning of this talk Carol Fraser presents the listener with a fundamental invocation that is an entrance to a spiritual path. How ready are we as individuals to work without illusion? If we aspire to connect and work with ascended masters and higher forces, we must learn to work in a spirit of truth so that we are not open to manipulation and deception. The work and role of ascended masters in guiding humanity towards ascension and the incorporation of the Christ consciousness in to ourselves, is discussed with special emphasis on the green, violet and golden streams of energy.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
What is the Matter with Spirit?
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
A lecture that contrasts what is meant by the paranormal, (a bridge between the material and spiritual realms) with what is meant by the spirit (all that any individual is capable of being in the context of eternity). David Christie Murray then relates aspects of consciousness to matter and energy explaining their inter relationships through scientific quantum theories and theological doctrine. Could the refinement of our physical being in to energy units of light, refined still further by the intelligence of our self consciousness realise our potential as spiritual beings?
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Medieval Mysticism
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
Saturday Feb 25, 2017
In what is a fascinating lecture given by Anne Bancroft, the meaning of mysticism in the 11th, 12th and 13th century is defined and the commonalities between the teachings of Medieval Mystics and elements of Zen Buddhism and Hinduism are then discussed and compared to the tense relationship that existed between Medieval Mystics and the Christian Church which strove to suppress such teachings.
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org