
Monday Mar 05, 2018
A Guide to Extra Terrestrial Contact
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Palden presents a five point plan based on his own encounters with UFO's and his work with cosmic beings. It outlines how we should respond to extra terrestrial contact. Would we as individuals be ready to shift our consciousness, awareness and perception so that our immediate response to spiders or robots that emanate unconditional love would be welcoming and open? What is required to ensure that humanity is ready to make the transition and take its place as part of a wider galactic community? Can answers be found within the context of our earthly existence?
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org

Friday Jan 19, 2018
The Warrior Kings of Wessex
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Ralph begins an account that starts with King Egbert and ends with Ethelred the Unready and the arrival of King Canute. King Alfred is probably most famous warrior king of Wessex however this remarkable lecture shows that there was a long line of kings who fought the campaigns against the Danes and went on to unify England and shape history as we know it. The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org

Friday Jan 19, 2018
Arthur and the Matter (Spirit) of Britain
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Harold Blair presents a detailed account regarding the decline of the Roman Empire in Britain and the start of turbulent times characterised by wars and invasions. He then describes how Arthur united various tribes enabling a post roman Britain which began to emerge and forge its political and spiritual direction. The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org

Friday Dec 29, 2017
Redemption Through the Power of Love
Friday Dec 29, 2017
Friday Dec 29, 2017
In this lecture Sir George Trevelyan talks about the time in which we live and how we must strive to change and reconnect with a fundamental universal concept; that of love. Through love (rather than war, greed, ego and materialism) we can change the world for the better and reconnect with the spiritual universe, realising our living potential as the part of nature that has become conscious. The universe is mind; an ocean of living ideas and something that we as individuals and as a collective humanity are part of.
“Man know thyself and you will know the universe”
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org

Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Celtic Spirituality. A Vision of Wholeness
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Celtic spirituality is a religion of the heart rather than the head. Anthony begins by talking about the arrival of Celts to the British Isles prior to the arrival of the romans and the origins of Celtic spirituality. He then goes on to demonstrate its vision; the idea that creation is the transfigured image of the creator, with Heaven and Earth inextricably linked in that idea of creation. Anthony goes on to refer to ancient scripts and writings that demonstrate the depth of the Celtic spiritual tradition
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org

Sunday Oct 22, 2017
The Christ and the Feminine
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
How can the masculine contribute in the awakening of the feminine? And what is the role of the feminine within the context of the second coming? Stanley discusses the changing nature of the relationships as the Feminine awakens within the Christ impulse. The next step in the evolution of consciousness is to evolve to an integrated soul state of being where relationships do not rely on the polarity of male and female energies but on the understanding of the polarity. How will this affect our choice of partners and the nature of relationships? The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org

Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Aligning our Consciousness with Nature
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
In this interview Robert Mulliss (coordinator Wessex Research Group Network) discusses with Wendy (Pegasus Healing) how we might do simple things to support and show our appreciation for nature, Gaia and each other. The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org

Friday Aug 04, 2017
The Druids
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Where and from what stock did the druids come? Mary begins this talk by asking this question about a culture that at first glance left us very little about themselves. Could they have come from Atlantis or North West Africa ?
Druids believed in the immortality of the soul and the immortality of spirit. They also had a knowledge of Greek and a great interest in trees and nature. Mary draws together and presents research from a variety of sources to build a picture of druidic society
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org

Friday Aug 04, 2017
Releasing Earthbound Souls
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Eddie recounts stories relating to his work with the spiritual worlds in helping to release earthbound souls. Souls can become stuck or trapped upon death for a variety of reasons prior to moving on into the Summerland or spiritual plane of illusion after death. He also talks about the process of self-reflection that takes place after death; when a soul analyses the last incarnation.
This fascinating lecture which reminds us about the continuity of consciousness after death, the idea that we are all multidimensional beings existing in a multiverse and that any psychic gifts should be used for service
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org

Sunday Jul 02, 2017
Mythology of the British Isles. Celts, Goddesses and Heroes
Sunday Jul 02, 2017
Sunday Jul 02, 2017
Where does the mythology of the British Isles really begin? In this fascinating lecture Geoffrey discusses the importance of our Celtic heritage in shaping the mythology of the British Isles; one that pre dates Anglo Saxon culture. What can we learn from a Celtic age where little was ever written down and how accurate is the work of medieval scholars such as Geoffrey of Monmouth in portraying the mythology of these islands?
The Wessex Research Group archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. FFI log on to www.wessexresearchgroup.org